18-20 April 2018
RSBI and
Romanian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
invites you:
To the second RSBI Bioinformatics event organized at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy.

This consists in two actions:

 - A Trainig Course in Bioinformatics - held in coordination with and with trainers from - the European Institute of Bioinformatics, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK - in day 1 and 2; and

 - A Bioinformatics Workshop with invited research presentations followed by discussions, in day 3.

Full programme of the Workshop is here

Interested PhD Students, PostDocs, Researchers & Professors are invited to apply with a brief description of their work interest in bioinformatics - upon which selection will be made.

Registration form can be found here

For further details please contact:     robi.tacutu@gmail.com